How are you doing? You have not written to us in a while and we get more worried day by day. Your junior family members spend their break times at the docks waiting for your return. I know I am anxious myself, but trust that my sister is a competent professional who is trying her best to return to us.
Thus far things are going well in the home front with the training of your new recruits, especially Peter who is rapidly becoming a younger version of Fairuz; he is a very powerful fighter already. The rest I unfortunately had not the privledge to observe their development for I was called up to do extended service with the Office of P.S. after one of our logistics management teams (really its more convoy security than logistics management) went missing along the Midnight Express overland route from Reboldeux to Porto Coimbra. And in short order we rode out with a platoon of light cavalry to go search for them.
So I did see the ruins of Al Quelt Moreza again after so many years; wildlife inflicted with Dios Lantem's curse still roam about the countryside but never in the horrid numbers encountered by the founders of Los Condenados. Squads of novice pioneers effectively keep those overgrown rabid animals at bay far from the convoy routes and at the same time deter thieves and brigands; our despatch team couldn't have been lost in this region so we proceeded north towards the Cathari Falls and the King's Garden after spending the night in one of Al Quelt's deserted vaults long since cleared of undead infestations.
I might as well break the news to you now. I'm now an officer of pioneering support, and I couldn't have done it without you, sister!
Fairuz misses Vanda dearly and wrote this poem:
When I'm lonely
I lay on the field so grassy
And look into the heavens
And there see I you
The white cloud of my heart
As you can see he is very bored.
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