It is not a flaw, just nature, for as we all know we cannot be too open to our fellow man or risk exploitation. So your mask of ice and fire that you showed me as soon as I greeted you, I understood as a defensive mechanism from me prying into your worries. You were rude and utterly disrespectful for the one who went out of her way to bring you this far yet I understood that I had to earn your trust in some way so I can help you get out of that self-destructive regret you bore for no reason other than just because you could.
So I waited until you were once again ready to see me as your beloved sister and tell me what was wrong such that I might help to calm your fears.
And I am glad that I had waited those long hours for you. Take that as my apology to you, for throughout that ordeal I put a lot of pressure on you for not giving me the attention I wanted. That's all there is to it, Carmen. I'm sorry too.

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