Sunday, November 25, 2007

Aww Carmen...

What would I do without you? You had been a loyal student who tolerated my harsh teachings to flourish like no one would have expected you. Beyond that you touch my heart, let me feel emotion, listen to my earthly woes, and showed my mercenary Fairuz what he really should fight for...

When I see him and Vanda together I cannot help but shed tears. So different are they yet it seems fate has put them with each other to test the limits of their humanity. One broken from her tragic losses in this profession, the other defeated in the field and forced to serve his enemy for over a decade now.

I am glad I made the decision to release Fairuz to your service when Vanda appeared to have feelings for this fine gentleman who I so often misunderstood and abused for my own delusions of authority.

Please take care of him, and I hope they will be happy together for all eternity. I would sorely like to meet them both personally. I would like to formally promote them to sergeants for their excellent performance in our recent Rite of Rememberance for our fallen heroes. Would you help me, sister in arms? I would not like to barge into their affairs and demand their presence.

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