Thursday, November 22, 2007

A tribute to Shenmui Family

It has been merely 44 days since the Shenmui and Sivarja pioneering families met in the dark confines of the Al Quelt Moreza dungeons as Los Condenados battled against the undead hordes of Dios Lantem.

But that 44 days with Shenmui had changed my life forever. No longer do I spend each day snapping viciously at my subordinates or abusing verbally those who try and improve my work with criticism. Nor do I have those temper tantrums over matters long past from my painful history, and I guess that in my 35 long years I finally feel love.

It is yet another new responsibility for me, this one far more valuable, and dangerous, yet I now know what I truly fight for in Granado Espada.

How did Shenmui do it? When Adelina Sivarja's command team met them they were but worthless as soldiers, too slow to keep up with our maneuver groups and too weak physically to be more than second-rate good-to-be-there-but-not-really-neccessary supporting fire for our light infantry squads.

But today such as Carmen, Vanda, Peter and Vanir are inseparable partners; in fact I would be unable to achieve my objectives in the Illier nation without them for a chain of illnesses have weakened me significantly effectively eliminating my ability to contribute to the pioneering effort. Meeting and even exceeding the skill at arms of their trainers Florence and Jose from Cesario, Shenmui family represents the spearhead of our combat capability.

They are more valuable than any other pioneering family under our banner, for when adversity struck Shenmui bit the bullet and continued to be at our side when it matters. They are the only noble house to pack up and leave Cesario's anarchy with us when I gave the order to do so, for staying would cause us Sivarjans naught but pain and sorrow; we had nothing left when Los Condenados collapsed from its losses.

So here's to Shenmui's remarkable ability to presevere when all others fall, and to our lasting alliance... and friendship. Happy birthday Carmen!

- Rosa Sivarja
Personal communique to Shenmui family

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