You might wonder why the Tetra Catacombs are so close to our hearts for us in the world of Granado Espada.
It is an expansive ruin situated in the barren canyons near the Coimbran coast, its majestic facade a mere speck of the massive vaults situated below more than a kilometre of solid rock. This remarkable feat of engineering dated to prehistoric times was speculated to be built by the realm's original inhabitants, the nature of which remain lost to the best archaeologists of the world today.
Regardless of its origin, the Tetra Great Ruins are the main target for Port Coimbra's pioneering efforts as its massive artificial caverns would easily solve the maritime hub's prevailant overcrowding issues.
Yet, nearly half a decade of constant warfare has failed to secure Tetra from the hordes of demons that reside within, while the Phobitan Tribes are a deadly menace to any unprepared military expedition in that bloodstained sector.
The Los Condenados infantry squadron made the Tetra Sector its main target after successfully subduing the resurgent Dios Lantem undead forces at Al Quelt Moreza. By launching a series of coordinated strikes against the demon hordes they hoped to relieve enough pressure on those independent military families fighting within that they may withdraw to safety.
This objective was achieved and many champion fighters proved themselves in the desperate close quarters fighting against mighty hordes of creatures rising from the gates of Hell itself. While today the so termed "Hellgate Tetra" is still functional for those heretic rebel cults who have sided with the Devil interfering with colonial authorities' efforts to subdue the area, the successive raids conducted by Los Condenados and many other military clans have significantly weakened the demon threat since the infamous 4th of March Battle.
Yesterday I went pioneering again for the first time since that ill-fated battle that had all but incapacitated me. Carmen was by my side all the way through my Rite of Rememberance at the clan' sacrifice for our future, and so were 5 excellent men and women at arms from the Order of Thorned Roses (Rosa Espinhosa).
It is an expansive ruin situated in the barren canyons near the Coimbran coast, its majestic facade a mere speck of the massive vaults situated below more than a kilometre of solid rock. This remarkable feat of engineering dated to prehistoric times was speculated to be built by the realm's original inhabitants, the nature of which remain lost to the best archaeologists of the world today.
Regardless of its origin, the Tetra Great Ruins are the main target for Port Coimbra's pioneering efforts as its massive artificial caverns would easily solve the maritime hub's prevailant overcrowding issues.
Yet, nearly half a decade of constant warfare has failed to secure Tetra from the hordes of demons that reside within, while the Phobitan Tribes are a deadly menace to any unprepared military expedition in that bloodstained sector.
The Los Condenados infantry squadron made the Tetra Sector its main target after successfully subduing the resurgent Dios Lantem undead forces at Al Quelt Moreza. By launching a series of coordinated strikes against the demon hordes they hoped to relieve enough pressure on those independent military families fighting within that they may withdraw to safety.
This objective was achieved and many champion fighters proved themselves in the desperate close quarters fighting against mighty hordes of creatures rising from the gates of Hell itself. While today the so termed "Hellgate Tetra" is still functional for those heretic rebel cults who have sided with the Devil interfering with colonial authorities' efforts to subdue the area, the successive raids conducted by Los Condenados and many other military clans have significantly weakened the demon threat since the infamous 4th of March Battle.
Yesterday I went pioneering again for the first time since that ill-fated battle that had all but incapacitated me. Carmen was by my side all the way through my Rite of Rememberance at the clan' sacrifice for our future, and so were 5 excellent men and women at arms from the Order of Thorned Roses (Rosa Espinhosa).

It was good to see the demon infestation well managed by the various mercenary groups of the Coimbran Coast, and that new pioneering families were using the site as a training ground. Still, the hunt was dangerous but Mohammad Fairuz, one of the New World's few Arabian mercenaries in Sivarja Family, wielded his greatsword with such skill and tenacity that none of the foul hellspawn came close to harming us despite our ten to one numerical deficiency.
To think that this fine gentleman would pick an alien weapon in favour of his beloved shamshirs as a testament to the peace between our two cultures!
At the conclusion of our short tour of the Tetra Catacombs we were ambushed by a demon lord, but the combination of effective tactics and modern anti-occult weaponry allowed us to defeat him with little harm to ourselves. But it was no joking matter as I stood rooted to the ground as a 20-foot balrog strode with menacing purpose towards myself, helpless... then Fairuz charged with claymore gracefully arcing through the air to sever the demon lord's leg at the knee.
I live to fight another day.

- Rosa Sivarja
The History of Los Condenados
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