would like to report the presence of even greater demon lords than we encountered during your ritual of rememberance, Rosa...
This so called Castor demon I encountered during my regular night patrol of the Catacombs after you had retired.
At first time when i saw the castor .. i couldnt think on anything more than ran way ..but i fought him for my comrades that fall here on tetra cemetry catacombs
Carmem fastly changed her pistol for a good rifle and fought him until the end..
Vanda with her elemental powers charged a powerfull hell breath and burned him until he couldnt take more
but sundenly he went on berserk mode and killed vanda ..
the only ones ..remaining was Carmen and Vanir ..in the end Carmen with all of her wrath did a powerfull combo and finished him off with a scattershot .. The castor finally died and could taste the shenmui family wrath ..:...
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