Monday, December 17, 2007

An Apology

Dear Carmen,

Sister you might have hurt me just now but what.... I did to you after was utterly despeakable. I don't know what got into me, maybe it was work exhaustion and the stress of weathering your emotional blows magnifiying to extreme proportions what tiny grieviances I have against you. I will never know, for I know I've just lost every bit of trust you have placed in me for good reason - I'm no better than the people we both despise and tread underfoot.

I'm a hypocrite, and I was unabashedly arrogant that I could help you, a person so different from myself facing different trials, by forcing you to adopt my ideals in life. That's what I ended up doing, and you just sat and cried like you never did in years... all for nothing... because I feel I'm worth nothing to you anymore.

If I am no longer your friend and sister, I accept your judgement.

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