Monday, December 17, 2007

Fearing for My Sanity ....

I ... really dont know
wath happend yesterday
i felt like i was dying
my mom had an atack and i had to go to a hospital
with her
we went when u left
for work........i couldnt give u a note and i got pissed my self ......
i ........dont know waths going on with me .....
im sorry
if i hurt ...i know i hurt you ..........i can feel it .....i.......fell lost again.....
dont hate me becouse of that health is not that good too ........but dont worry ..
im going to ok.......Sorry for ruin your mood ......-_-

Fearing for my sanity,
I shed my shirt and tie,
Walked out on my rectitude
And waved myself goodbye.
I did precisely as I pleased,
Said only what was true;
Cared not a whit whom I might hurt
Or what debts might be due;
Chose my orbit on my own
And lived by my own light,
Hurtling through the gravities
That rule the lidless night;
Unknowing in my innocence
The iron laws that be
,And that the more
I worked my will,
The less I would be free.

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