Thursday, December 27, 2007

I am touched.

Carmen I will make this short. I waited for you for a long time; ever since I was old enough to think for myself I yearned for another who would appreciate my ideals of life, that trust would be mutual and understanding constantly sought and challenged. I think that way because for years I have lived in a world of deceit and exploitation and was forced to learn for myself how to survive in it. I was tempted many times to fall from grace forsaking righteousness for acceptance yet my own conscience would stop me every time. It is a cruel battle i wage with myself all these years for I had no one to trust. Ultimately it was a battle worth fighting. Because I have you. And you make me feel emotions again. My days are filled with joy and wisdom because there is someone there waiting for me at the end of the day. Now I will ask that dreaded question that has never appeared in my mind before: Carmen will you marry me?

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