Friday, December 28, 2007

Varghese work day blog

While my first day at work was incredibly boring, a combination of social networking, on the job training coupled with prior experience with managing crisis situations have made this day a thoroughly enjoyable experience. Perhaps I should not be so cynical - today the colonial residence I am charged to protect had a major shortage in defense capability due to the captain and our best officers being absent. So on the third day of my new duties I suddenly find myself taking on the role of assistant site supervisor. Due to the aforementioned manpower shortage I had to face great physical challenges running to keep up with events and sheparding foreign contractors to their assigned places of work. As the most physically and socially well endowed person on the team it is my responsibly to lead and instruct them. Unlike that disappointing spell in restaurant management though, this job pays extremely well for the fun I get running my own show and juggling with my favourite responsibilities: people management and public relations. It does help that I now have a beautiful wife who appreciates whatever I do for a living too!

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