Saturday, December 29, 2007


Rosa here. Today I realise the hard way that trust is foolish. I am good. I can prove it each day at work. And this makes me nothing but livestock to the eyes of any employer without a strong moral backing. It appears that even the security industry is not secure in its own ethical footing despite its huge responsibility. I am now a villian because I dare to speak up in the name of justice and pride for what others trained me so hard to achieve. But sister I will not run away this time. My conscience is clear and I feel naught but strength in protecting those who trust me with their safety. So Carmen please be there in my moment of need for you are my only pillar of hope. I am so sorry to cause you so much hurt last night I should respect you more. You are not my dog... That is what learned today. And that is my gift and apology to you.

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